Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dragon Dance, Computer Expo and The Terminator

This past Friday a couple of friends and I met up at the Global Lounge to celebrate a traditional Chinese Lantern Festival and watch a live performance of a Dragon Dance. In addition to that we learnt how to cook Chinese Dumplings.

Afterwards we planned our upcoming trip to the Philippines (for which I am leaving in 24 hours!) and then went to a Computer Expo that Chris read about on the papers. We left school and got on the train; it took us about one hour to get to the MTR station that we needed to go. Upon arrival we noticed that the expo was outdoors, something interesting considering that it had been raining all week long. We started seeing people walking out with laptops, desktops, monitors, keyboards, etc, and figured that there had to be a sick deal going on. It turns out that they where selling mostly old models and as a result it was at a "discounted price". Something that makes absolutely no sense to me is how products built in Asia by American Corporations are cheaper there than in Asia. I understand the whole brand name and stuff, but it makes absolutely no sense to raise the  prices due to the double-shipping. I could have bought myself a new version for the computer for a cheaper price than the one that they were selling the old one at.

We decided to head back to Soho after the total bust of the Computer Expo, and ended up finding a place called make-your-own-gourmet-burger or something like that. We walked in and I saw the menu on the wall. My eyes immediately locked on a burger called The Terminator. It was a 1.5 pound beast with chili, bacon, jalapeno, pickles and mushrooms, and if that were not enough to kill a man, it came with a tequila shot. My friend Mike and I decided to take on the challenge. It was a rough one but I had to finish it out of pride. After a good struggle I was able to finish it. I would love to see Guy Fieri trying.

Anyways, like I said before I will be going to the Philippines for the next 10 days so I will not be able to post anything new, however I hope that by the time I get back I will have a ton of pics and stories to tell.

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