Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tailored Suits

This past Tuesday Chasen, Mike and I went to get some tailored suits. After going to about 8 tailors we found one with decent prices and good materials on Tsim Shat Sui.

Going suit-shopping has to be the hardest thing in the world if you don't have a general idea of what you want. As soon as we walked in, Kamal, the owner of the shop, showed a couple of booklets filled with over a hundred different cloths each, ranging from threat counts, to colors, to pin striped, etc. In addition to that, he also had over one hundred different types of shirts to pick from.

After struggling for a while I picked three materials, two for suits and one for a tux. I ended up getting a light grey suit, a darker grey/green-ish suit and a tux. All of them where made from a mix of cashmere and wool hugo boss cloth. After that I started looking for shirts. I found a couple that I liked and then it was time to pick the design. The cool thing about getting tailored shirts/suits is that everything is built specifically to your demands. You can pick everything from the type of collar that you want, to how fitted you want it, how many buttons, and even mix cloths and colors.  After bargaining for a while, Kamal hooked us up with the price, and in the end I ended up getting the 3 suits and 12 shirts, Chasen got 3 suits and 20 shirts and Mike got 1 suit and 3 shirts. We got the shirts down to abut $20 each, and the suits to about $200 since it was a higher quality material.

A week afterwards we got a call from Kamal saying that the suits and shirts where ready. We went back to check them out and were pretty happy with the results. All of my shirts had my initials monogramed into the sleeves and the suits had a label saying that they were custom made for me. We tried them on and asked Kamal to make a couple of final adjustments, and Chasen even ordered more shirts. After two days Kamal called us again and told us that everything was ready. For the past 3 days I've only been wearing the custom shirts. They truly feel amazing, just as if you had an extra layer of skin. Now I'm just looking for an excuse to use the suits.

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