Sunday, January 16, 2011

Any given Wednesday

Wednesdays in Hong Kong are kind of special. To some its finally the day their bodies realize that its a week day; to others like me, its the day the "weekend" starts.

I started the day by going to the Immigration office and applying for a Hong Kong ID. Afterwards I went to Causeway Bay with Chasen to do a bit of touristing. We found an awesome Japanese Tepanyaki place called Aji Le Tetsu inside the 11th floor of a residential building. There we had sushi, tepanyaki beef and scallops, and a couple of beers to start the night.

We then walked around Times Square and took the tram to meet some friends at Happy Valley, the local race course for horses. Apparently every Sunday and Wednesday everyone in Hong Kong goes to the tracks and bets on the horses. I decided to place a bet based on payout odds, and was greedy to put the horse to win rather than to place in the top 3. It got second.

Afterwards we hit up the bars in Wan Chi. Apparently Wednesday nights its girls night out, so they get free drinks all night. We met with some friends and partied for a while. After a couple more drinks my friend Mike was wasted and started hitting on every single girl in the bar. He proceeded to call a guy Justin Bieber and start a fight. We got kicked out of the bar not much after Mike passed out and headed home.

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