Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swedish Kiss in the Escalator

Yesterday a couple friends and I hit up sneakers street to try to find shoes for our backpacking trip to the Philippines. I found the most amazing pair of Salomon shoes that are as extravagant as my backpack. We walked around for a while and bought other stuff (since it was right next to the Ladies Market) and then headed to Soho for some mexican food.

We went to a restaurant called Tequila. As the name implies, they had a huge variety of different tequilas and we took full advantage of this. In addition to this I ordered a sizzling plate of beef and chicken to fill up my fajitas. I missed the guacamole flavor.

Mid way through the meal a couple of girls approached us looking for someone foreign from an exotic place. Of course, that was my queue. I followed her to her table and she introduced me to her friends. Turns out that they were having a bachelorette party. After asking me a couple of questions, she asked me if I ever had a Swedish Kiss. I replied by asking them if they had ever had a Venezuelan Kiss. Long story short they ended up asking me to give them my underwear.

We left the restaurant and went to a bar close by to watch a rugby game. It turned out to be that we where next to the longest continuous mechanical escalator. The urban planner in Hong Kong came up with the genius idea to install many escalators that take you from downtown to the mid-levels such that people would be able to ride them to and from work rather than taking a bus or subway. Needless to say we had to ride it. We walked all the way down to Central and bought beers in the 7-eleven just to see how many we could drink on our escalator ride. Once we started our journey up we were disappointed to find out that it wasn't a huge escalator, but many chopped up ones. There was still one that was about 800m long (.5 miles) so that made the journey a bit more fun.

We got back to our original start point and stopped at a british pub to watch the game. Mid way through England was destroying Italy so we decided to head back home. I thought that the bar was overcharging us for the beer ($10 per pint) so I took the glass with me. Now I have a cool souvenir.

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