Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And then it begun

Well, I guess I have to start blogging, so this is how the story of my trip begins. If the rest of the semester is anything like this first week was then this will be one of the greatest adventures of all time.

It all started on Tuesday night. My brother decided to take me out one last night of partying before I left to Hong Kong. We went from club to club drinking and drinking. After a bottle of sake, 6 vodka tonics, 2 whisky's and two yards of poison (gin, whisky, vodka, rum and a lemony soda) we decided to head to the casino. While my brother played blackjack, some random lady started buying me rum and cokes. Granted to say I was beyond fucked up at this point. I decided it would be wise to sit in a table and start playing poker; surprisingly I actually won one hundred bucks. At 8am we headed back to the room. We slept for a couple of hours, ate lunch and then drove to the airport.

After flying 3 hours to Miami, 6 to LAX and 15:30 to Hong Kong I finally arrived at 8:30am on Jan 7th. I went to my dorm and was surprised when it turned out that I had a single. Little did I know that it had no heating when I signed the lease. I dropped my bags and rushed to the university where Orientation had already started. Between all of the events and paperwork I ended up leaving school at night. I headed to Kowloon and bought my cell phone and ate McDonald's for a total price of $2. Suck it America.

Saturday morning I headed to Central. We saw the most amazing skyscrapers in the world. After walking around the city for a while we decided to go to the Victoria Peak. This is an observatory in the top of the mountain where the richest people in HK live. We took some cool pictures and then ate some traditional chinese food. I ate an assorted platter of dim sum, Shark Fin, jellyfish, duck, pork and beef. I tried my bargaining skills and ended up buying two remote control helicopters for $14. We saw the sunset from the top of the mountain and headed back to the city.

On Sunday there was a parade celebrating the 100th year of the university. I was a part of the international students troupe. I got to meet a variety of people and noticed that I was not the only spanish speaking person in the island. whattup. After the parade was over we went to Kennedy town, ate some food and walk around the zone. I could not find a single english-speaking person around. Anyways, it is hilarious how much cheaper stuff is here. A good meal can cost approximately $2-4. Afterwards I headed home, registered for classes and ate dinner at the canteen.

Today I went to classes in the morning, and afterwards went with my local buddy Carl to eat some traditional chinese food. Little did I know that this meant snake and fish gut to clear the 'cold airs' from our system and be healthier; a common tradition before the chinese new years. Afterwards we took the Star Ferry to Tsim Sha Tsui where we took some amazing pictures of the city skyline. Unfortunately we did not make it in time for the light show (youtube it). We took the bus to Jordan and walked to Temple street. It was a closed boulevard that sold many fake purses, electronics, and other stuff and had a variety of palm readers and singers. It was an awesome experience.

Ill try to write more often, and hopefully Ill have some new cool stories to tell.

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