Friday, January 28, 2011

Every Given Weekend

For any average student, the weekend starts on Thursdays, and in some cases, even Wednesdays. In Hong Kong that can only mean one thing: LKF. I found out that there is one bar in LKF that has an interesting challenge: How fast can you drink 10 shots. 

Having Venezuelan blood running through me, I had to take the challenge. I mean, they gave you a free t-shirt as well! (how american/jewish of me).

Turns out it was a bit harder than I expected. I started freezing after the 5th and took more time than expected to finish the remaining ones. I ended up doing it in 26.86 seconds, loosing to my friend Sean by a mere .2 seconds. I can not and will not accept that. Im doing it again for sure; this time I'm bringing a sweater though. Some dude holds the record with 7.8 seconds... what a beast.

On Friday I took my friends Chasen and Mike to the local Chabad. Funny thing is that Mike is not Jewish, we just didn't want to leave him alone in the dorm. We ate like we had never eaten before and promised the Rabbi (who lived in Venezuela for a while!!!) that we'd come back every Friday. After leaving the house Mike turned to me and told me that the meal had made him want to convert to judaism.

We went to a hookah and mohito joint called Sahara and chilled for a while; there was a guy having his birthday party there so he kept buying everyone rounds. Afterwards I met with my friend Sasha who had just arrived in Hong Kong as an exchange student as well. We partied in the bars of LKF for a while and then decided to head to a club called Pi. We walked a couple blocks and arrived to what seemed to be a commercial building. It turns out that the club was in the 46th floor. The club was exploding so Chasen and Mike decided to split a bottle of champaign so that we could get a booth. That seemed to get the attention of some people and got us a couple numbers. 

The sun rose around 7am and they turned the music off. Talk about being a party pooper. We left for our dorms and got back around 8am. Skype didn't let me go to bed until 11. I went to bed later than my grandma even with a 12 hour time-zone difference.

I woke up around 5-6pm and headed to the IFC mall to help Chasen buy a sports jacket to take to Macau. We found one, ate some dinner and got on the 9pm ferry. We met our friend Hubert and a couple of Berkeley girls in the casino of the Sands,they had gone that morning to do some hiking; that is still on the to-do list. We gambled for a while still trying to rack some points for the free ferry ride, ate some dumplings and headed to the one and only D2. We partied until 7am and headed to the ferry station.

We woke up and went for some sushi dinner and then the dry-cleaners. We watched some martial arts movies with our floor-mates and then headed to a bar called The Wheel to watch the playoff games. Chasen had a 10:30 am class so he took his backpack to the bar. After seeing his mighty Jets get owned he went straight to school. What a crappy way to start the week. Luckily I didn't have class till 1 so at least I got a couple hours of sleep. Talk about an inverted schedule.

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