Monday, March 28, 2011

Hong Kong Rugby Seven's

This past weekend my friends and I went to the Rugby Sevens. This is the equivalent of the soccer world cup, but for 7-on-7 rugby. The games where 14-minutes long with two 7-minute halves which made the games faster rather than more strategical.

We all met up at the castle (University Hall) and started pre-gaming Saint Patricks style. We bought about 8 cases for 6 of us and started drinking 4 hours before leaving to the stadium. Even though we were pretty drunk by the time we started to leave, I decided that it would be a good idea to try to sneak a case into the stadium so I packed it into my backpack.

We met up with more friends in the MTR station and headed towards the station in Causeway Bay. At first we felt foolish wearing costumes to the game, but as soon as we got into the train we noticed a huge wave of people that where also dressed up. I wore a angry bird hat, Mike and Chris wore a mario/1-up costume, Phil went as kirby and Christy wore a yogi-bear hat.

We followed the wave of people from the station into the stadium where I was stopped by the security guards because of the case of beer. After failing to bargain with the guard, we decided to shotgun the entire case before going in because we knew that booze was going to be expensive. We finished the case and walked inside the stadium. It was a beast that could seat about 50,000 people. We found some seats near the center of the field and started to watch the games.

For some odd reason I decided that I would try my luck as a bookie and started throwing odds on the games. Phil was the only one smart enough to take them and won both bets for a total of 100hkd ( $13). The worst part was the second game, in which New Zealand had to win by 60 for him to win. At halftime it was 14-0 so I started getting cocky, but somehow they got their act together and started scoring a lot and in a last second play managed to score and win 61-0.

After a while we decided to move to the south stands where all of the drunk people went. At some point there was a 4-hour wait to get into them, and what was worse is that people stayed in the queue! By the time we went there was a pretty short line so we got in fairly quick. We managed to sneak our way into 2nd row seats right behind the goal posts.  After a couple of games it became a contest to see who could appear in the jumbotron first; neither of us won. There were a couple of girls dressed as cheerleaders that took all of the glory.

We left the stadium right after seeing the U.S destroy Japan (really dude's?.. give them a break) and headed to central for some burgers. We managed to get out of the stadium right as the last game ended and barely beat the rush of people. Mike went missing as always so we left him behind. We went for some burgers at the Terminator restaurant and then decided to finish off the night at LKF.

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