Friday, March 18, 2011

Third Dessert Please!

This Past Thursday a couple of friends and I went to Causeway Bay to get some dinner. One of our friends was a local and knew some cool spots around the City. She took us through an underground tunnel all the way to the bay where we took a little boat for a small tour facing the skyline. It looked unreal and it made me wish that I had gone at 8 so I could see the light show from there.

Afterwards she took us to a local hot pot place where we had a bunch of food and some sake to go with it. It was a japanese hot pot, which unlike the chinese one, uses different spices and therefore make the meal very rich in flavor. For some reason we where all craving something sweet so we headed out to find some local desserts. Somewhere along the road we ended up walking into the introduction to the first Chinese race team. There where a bunch of news reporters  so we all took out our cameras and pretended to be one of them to get closer to the stage.

We started roaming around the area trying to find the dessert spot until we finally reached the street she was looking for. We ordered a bunch of different desserts including chocolate pudding, and ginger pudding. I had never tried the ginger one so I got one of those. Hubert ordered a Chinese french toast, so I had to get one too since I was intrigued to what it could be. I was shocked to realize that it was a giant sized toast full of butter and syrup. I probably increased the chances of getting a heart attack by like 25% after eating that.

After we all finished we started heading back to the subway station, when one of the girls saw a local bakery that she loved and claimed that had the best dessert in town. Even as full as I was I had to try it, I mean, I couldn't pass down the opportunity of having the best dessert in town, even if it would become my third dessert of the meal. We went inside the bakery and ordered the sweet buns, to my surprise, it was another bun covered in butter, regardless I HAD to eat it.
I somehow managed to finish it and survive, unlike my friend Hubert who almost died in the process. Here is a picture of him crying over the stomach ache.

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